Ever heard of a mouthguard? It's also known as a nightguard or occlusal guard. It's a removable gear that fits over your upper or lower teeth. If you've been doing some consistent grinding and clenching, it could lead to enamel loss, tooth fractures, pain, gum recession, and in severe cases — full-mouth severe wear or loss of teeth. Not fun, right? But fear not! If you happen to be dealing with bruxism, our customized mouthguard is here to the rescue, ready to protect your teeth for many years to come.
Common Symptoms
Bruxism is a fairly common problem — it's estimated that about 10 to 15 percent of adults and children are affected. The grinding and clenching usually happen at night, but it can also occur during the daytime. Some symptoms that may indicate you grind or clench are as follows
Teeth clenching and grinding
Jaw pain or stiffness
Fractured or worn-down teeth and dental restorations
Loose teeth
Temperature-sensitive teeth
Headaches, earaches, toothaches in the morning
Facial pain
Disrupted sleep
Sleep partner complains about the noise
What to Expect
2 Appointments. Each appointment for 15 to 20 minutes.
Our team will digitally scan your teeth — no messy molds here! The records will be sent to the laboratory where the personalized nightguard will be designed and fabricated. During your second visit, we will check the fit of your nightguard, make any necessary chair-side adjustments, and provide you with instructions on how to use your nightguard.